3 Easy Ways to Build an Epic Shopify Landing Page (With Examples)

Stop for a second and imagine what your store would look like if you could convert 8% of your existing traffic.

Crazy, right? Well, the thing is, with Shopify landing pages, achieving such seemingly impossible conversion rates is not at all out of the question.

Seriously, according to Unbounce, the average conversion rate for well-designed landing pages is 9.7% (no, that's not a typo).

So, without further ado, let's deep-dive into what a landing page is, why you should care, how to create a landing page in Shopify and how to optimize it too.

What is a Shopify Landing Page?

A Shopify landing page is a stand-alone page on your store designed around a specific conversion goal.

But hold up. Isn't that what a product page is? 

Well, not exactly. Technically a product page is a kind of a landing page. Lots of brands send traffic directly to product pages with solid results.

But there's a couple of key differences between product pages, homepages and landing pages. 

To use an analogy, product pages are like a swiss army knife - they're a multi-purpose tool designed to capture the interest of a mixed-bag of browsers.

Landing pages, on the other hand, are like a surgical scalpel. They've zeroed in on one task - to drive visitors to take a specific action.

Plus, unlike product pages, you can deploy landing pages at various stages of the buyer's journey. For example, you can use them to

  • Promote and sell a specific product
  • Advertise a particular product collection
  • Promote a sale or limited time offer
  • Collect leads email addresses for drip campaigns

Landing pages are typically composed of distinctive elements such as:

  • A headline & subheading
  • A clear call to action
  • Compelling visuals
  • A unique selling proposition & more

Importantly, landing pages also lack some common elements like navigational links, minimizing distractions from the task at hand.

Why You Need to Use Shopify Landing Pages

The most compelling reason to use landing pages is simple - they boost conversion rates by providing a more relevant experience to visitors.

For example, let's suppose you want to promote a Spring sale with Facebook Ads. 

You set up the goals, define your audience, and hit launch only to get a super high CPM and hardly any conversions. What's going on?

Well, the problem is that you're advertising a spring sale but sending traffic to generic product pages.

The post-click experience doesn't match your ad creative. Customers landing on your product pages are probably confused and clicking away. 

So, Facebook's algorithm deems that your ad isn't helping its users reach their goals.

If you were sending traffic to a made-for-purpose landing page, you'd fix this issue and convert more visitors. 

Using Shopify landing pages empower you as a merchant to do things like:

  • Get more specific with your offers: Generic product pages can't address the needs of everyone. Pairing targeted ads with targeted landing pages is a sure-fire to increase relevancy and generate more sales.
  • Run A/B Tests to drive conversions higher: Shopify analytics are good. But a good landing page tool offers a superior level of granularity and allows you to experiment with different elements.
  • Customize your brand experience: As more and more merchants move to Shopify, product pages around the web are becoming a bit homogeneous. Landing pages allow you to deliver a stand-out experience that's specific to your brand.
  • Become more agile: Instead of relying on a team of liquid developers, a landing page tool allows you to build quickly and cheaply. Last-minute changes to your product launch? No worries, with a drag and drop builder, you can make edits on the fly.

How to Create A Landing Page in Shopify

Now that we know what landing pages are and why you need them let's look at three ways to implement them in your store.

1. The Most Basic Way to Build a Shopify Landing Page

The first and most basic way is to create a regular page and design it yourself using the principles of landing page design (which we'll cover later!)

Here's how to do it:

  • Open the Shopify dashboard and hit 'Online Store.'
  • Click 'Pages' in the dropdown menu.
  • Hit 'Add Page'
how to build a shopify landing page

Now you can create a bare-bones Shopify landing page using images, videos, and content relevant to your offer. 

You can also use this approach using Shopify's product collections by creating different collections for your PPC campaigns to present more relevant post-click pages. Here's an example from Casper:

This approach is very limited compared in terms of functionality and probably won't net you the best possible conversion rates.

However, it can get the job done without the need for coding or additional tools for simple announcements and promotions.

For better results, we'd suggest going a step further and using one of the following two options.

2. Using Liquid to Create Custom Landing Pages

If you're familiar with Liquid (Shopify's coding language) or you have a developer on hand, then you can create custom landing page templates for your store.

There's quite a lot that goes into creating custom landing pages using liquid, so we won't cover it all in this article. Instead, you can check out Shopify developer Liam Griffin's guide covering everything you need to know.

The quick landing page template that Liam Griffin creates in his tutorial

The benefit of creating a landing page template is that you'll be able to customize each section in the theme editor with whatever content, products, and images you want.

However, on the downside, if you want multiple landing pages for different functions, you'll need to build a separate template for each landing page, each with its own unique sections. Otherwise, any changes you make to the template will show up on all your landing pages.

💡ProTip: You can find experienced Shopify developer partners on Upwork who'll help you build a custom landing page template.

3. Use a Landing Page Builder for Shopify

Using a landing page builder allows you to create high converting landing pages without messing with code or paying a developer.

Plus, many landing page builders come loaded with advanced features like heat mapping, mobile-responsive templates, and proven conversion elements.

For Shopify specifically, many landing pages are available for a monthly subscription which means you don't need to invest much upfront capital to get started.

Let's take a look at what options are available when it comes to landing page builders.

🤫 Psst...want inspiration for your landing page? Grab this free landing page swipe file from our friends over at CRO agency Shivook. It's got tons of awesome ecommerce landing pages ideas and breaks down why each one works so well.

The Best Shopify Landing Page Builders 

When we talk about landing page builders for Shopify, there are two types of tools to know about: Page builders you can install from the app store and bolt-on builders. 

Let's examine the most popular options for each category:

1. Landing Page Apps for Shopify

These Shopify landing page builders are the quickest and easiest way to create high converting, professional landing pages.

a) EComposer

EComposer is a super simple drag-drop editor that allows you to customize your owned pages without needing any coding skills. EComposers super intuitive interface makes it the perfect choice for beginners. But it's not just for beginners, if you need more advanced features, you'll find those too.

One of the best things about EComposer is the a huge range of 100+ page layouts and sections which means you don’t need to be a designer to create professional-looking landing pages.

Plus, every user gets EComposer’s rich add-on library - which allows you to do things you might otherwise need tons of apps for - think image optimizations, color swatches, cross-selling features and more. What's more, ECompser also integrates with many top Shopify apps too.

What's great is that it's free to add EComposer on the basic plan. If you like the app, paid plans start at $19/mo for the standard plan and go up to $149/mo for the premium plan.

👉Learn more about EComposer👈

b) PageFly

The Best landing page builder for Shopify

PageFly is the most popular landing page builder on Shopify, with over 100,000+ merchants using the app and more than 20+ integrations with other Shopify apps to boost sales.

PageFly brings you a complete package to build and optimize your store with just simple drag-and-drop; creates a seamless digital experience across devices; 

Its library of 80+ high-converting page templates mean that you don’t need to be a skilled designer to create a killer landing page. Plus, it’s also got a solid drag and drop editor so you can customize pages to your liking without coding.

There is a free version of PageFly with full features access, Paid plans start at $19/mo and go up to $99 for the unlimited plan. Oh and Pagefly's 24/7 world-class live chat support is always on hand to help you get the most from the app.

👉Learn more about PageFly👈

c) Shogun

The Best landing page Apps for Shopify

Shogun Page Builder is dead easy to use, but that doesn't mean it's basic. It is still powerful enough that lots of experienced designers and CRO professionals use it every day.

Shogun has got an intuitive drag and drop page interface that comes with an extensive library of landing page elements which makes it easy to build your pages quickly and easily. 

Plus, Shogun's powerful analytics and A/B testing capabilities will help you understand how to optimize your pages for higher conversions.

The app comes with a 10-day free trial. After that, pricing starts at $39/month for a basic plan and goes up to $149/mo for the unlimited plan.

👉Learn more about Shogun👈

2. Bolt-on Builders

An alternative option is to use stand-alone third-party landing page builders. Thanks to Shopify's embeddable 'Buy Now' button, you can incorporate any webpage into your store.

The benefit of these landing page builders is that they pack serious firepower. You'll benefit from an incredible amount of customizations and capabilities.

a) Leadpages

Leadpages is a super intuitive landing page builder and marketing software that helps small to medium-sized businesses capture leads, nurture them, and turn them into customers.

It comes with over 200 templates, lightning-fast page loading speeds, and unlike other tools, you don't get charged by the number of leads or traffic you generate.

One of the highlights is the intelligent 'conversion guidance' feature that predicts your landing page's performance before publishing it so you'll never publish a poorly performing landing page again.

👉Learn more about Leadpages here👈

a) Unbounce

Unbounce is one of the best-known landing page platforms in the world. 

Unbounce has an intuitive drag and drop builder, plus over 100+ field-tested templates to match every conversion goal.

One of the best things about Unbounce is a feature called Smart Traffic, which uses machine learning to optimize your landing pages based on how visitors behave. It's like automatic A/B testing that'll get you more sales faster.

Unbounce comes with a 14-day free trial and then costs $80/mo for the basic plan (up to 500 conversions, 20,000 visitors, one connected domain). 

💡 ProTip: Integrating Unbounce with Shopify requires that you implement third-party code. Check out this tutorial from Unbounce about how to make it work.

📝Editor's Note: landing pages + upsells = maximum profits

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Shopify Landing Page Examples (& Best Practices)

Creating a landing page is one thing, but to get serious conversions, you need to know how to design your landing page for optimal results.

If you're using a landing page builder, you'll have the benefit of lots of templates. However, it's still important to know what content to include in each section.

Let's look at some examples, break them down, and discover how the best eCommerce landing pages work their magic.

First, Let's Optimize Above The Fold

There are two parts to every landing page - above the fold (what's immediately visible when visitors land on your page) and beneath the fold (what visitors see when they scroll down).

Let's start above the fold because if you don't nail it and grab your visitor's attention, they'll simply click away.

1. Write a Killer Headline

David Ogilvy put it best when he said: "Five times as many people read the headline as the body copy. When you've written your headline, you've spent 80 cents of your dollar."

Your headline is the magnet that pulls visitors in. There are many ways to write a great headline, but the easiest is to summarize your product's main benefit and address the biggest objection.

Shopify landing page example

Here you can see Smile Direct Club tempts visitors with 'A smile you'll love...' while also overcoming the biggest objection (dental care is expensive) by following it up with '...for less than $3 per day.

Keep your headline punchy and speak directly to your visitor. Ask yourself what's the principal pain point your product solves, and go from there.

💡 Pro Tip: Not sure if your headline is compelling? Use CoSchedule's Headline Analyzer to see how it stacks up. Shoot for a score of 70+, and you're in business.

2. Convey Value With Your Subheading

Every good landing page has a sub-heading that expands on the headline's promise and provides more information to visitors.

Here you want to explain what you do briefly and outline secondary benefits customers need to know.

Shopify landing page example

Quip does this excellently with the sub-heading: 'Guide a lifetime of good habits with electric toothbrushes, refillable floss, and more for the whole family.' 

After reading this subheading, parents are no longer just buying a toothbrush like they could in the supermarket. Instead, they're buying good habits for their kids, and that's much more powerful.

3. Let People Visualize it

Visuals are a huge part of quality landing pages. Show off your product in all its glory above the fold like Harry's does here:

Shopify landing page example Harry's

4. Slather Social Proof

Adding social proof above the fold is a great tactic to add instant credibility to your brand.

Take The Farmer's Dog, for example. They place heavy-hitting media mentions and Google reviews on their landing page:

Social proof is a must on your shopify landing page

Lots of companies sell dog food, but not all of them have been mentioned in Vogue. Adding these recognizable logos adds authority to The Farmer's Dog.

5. Make the Next Step Obvious

A killer call to action is a must on every landing page. Your call to action represents your conversion goal.

It needs to be a button that's highly contrasted to the background. In addition, you want to surround your CTA with plenty of white space so that it pops off the page.

Here's how Trade Coffee does it:

Landing page Calls to Action

See the way your eyes are drawn to that red button? That's precisely the same effect you need to create on your landing page.

The last thing to know when crafting your CTA is to opt for a value-based CTA where possible. Instead of saying 'Learn more,' go with something like 'Get matched' to maximize clicks and revenue.

Let's Talk About Beneath the fold

If above the fold is where you've won the customer's attention, beneath the fold is where you'll win the sale. Here's what you need to seal the deal.

1. Outline Features & Overcome Objections

Once a visitor scrolls down, you need to immediately convince them of the value of your product and address any objections they may have.

Take HelloFresh, for example. Right beneath the fold, they have four icons that back up their headline claim and directly address sticking points.

Overcome objections on your shopify landing page

HelloFresh outlines that there is no commitment required, that they've got the most five-star reviews, and that family meals can be made for just $7.49 per meal.

In the next section, HelloFresh explains what's inside the box and uses bullet points to talk about how easy, fun, and convenient it is to make great homemade meals.

Think about how you can subtly address each objection that customers have about purchasing your product or accepting your offer.

2. Include More Social Proof

You've already proved your credibility with social proof above the fold. Now it's time to solidify that and inspire customers to take action.

Using customer testimonials here is very powerful because such reviews resonate strongly with visitors. They show your results and bring your product to life.

To go back to Quip, they use customer testimonials near the bottom of their page to drive conversions - notice these reviews speak directly to their ideal buyer.

3. Tie Up Loose Ends With An FAQ

Questions will inevitably arise as customers make their way down your landing page. 

An FAQ section lets' you address the objections that you didn't' have space for above and put customer concerns at ease.

To nail this section, write out a list of common customer objections and then reframe them into questions and answers to level up conversions.

4. Add A Final CTA

If a visitor has made it to the bottom of your landing page, there's a very high chance they'll convert.

Add another CTA at the bottom of your page to ensure they don't have to scroll back up to accept your offer.

At this point, you've captured the visitor's attention and done 95% of the selling. So, there's no need to rush here. 

Use your final CTA as another opportunity to address any lingering objections, as Winc does here.

Notice how they've answered the objections :

  • "What if I don't like the wine?" - We'll replace it.
  • "What if I'm stuck with having to drink certain types of wine?" - Choose only wines you like.
  • "I don't want to be locked into a subscription I don't use" - Skip a month or cancel at any time.

Then they finish with a nice contrasted CTA to make it easy for visitors to take the next step.

Build an Awesome Shopify Landing Page Today

There's a lot that goes into creating a Shopify landing page. Hopefully, by now, it seems manageable, and you're ready to get started.

In closing, always remember to build your page with your audience in mind. Both in terms of design and content, it's crucial that you create the page for your ideal customer.

Leverage the tactics and best practices we covered above to create a page that converts like crazy and brings you more customers every single day.

Finally, remember never to stop testing your landing pages. It's rare to create a home run landing page on the first try.

The best landing pages result from relentless testing to uncover the magic mix of elements and content that inspires visitors to click.

Oh and before you go, don't forget to grab your free swipe file below👇

Bonus: Free Shopify Landing Page Swipe File

Save these 15+ professional landing pages to inspire your next landing page design. Happy conversions!

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